The Modern RuneScape Private Server Toplist


What is


How do I list my RuneScape Private Server (RSPS)?


Does offer premium packages or sponsorship opportunities?

Yes! We offer premium listings that offer additional visibility and a few other perks which you can read about on the premium listings page . We also offer sponsorship opportunities for servers that want to be featured at the top of the list on every listings page. You can read more about that on the sponsorships page .

Why is any better than existing RSPS toplists? offers a unique value proposition for server owners. We run one of the largest OSRS websites on the internet, and therefore have more reach than your typical toplist. As we grow this list, the plan is to promote it much more on In addition, we have several more OSRS-related websites in the works and will be expanding our portfolio. As we launch and accquire more websites, we will be able to cross-promote this list to a much larger audience than any other RSPS toplist.